2 Step Remedy For Treating Yourself At Home After A Honeybee Stings You

Health & Medical Articles

If you are an avid gardener, there is a high probability that at one time or another you will get stung by a honeybee. Even if you are not allergic to bee stings, you will probably still want to treat the area to relieve the pain, inflammation and itchiness. If so, use the following three-step treatment for removing the stinger and alleviating your symptoms using home remedies.

Step 1:  Remove The Honeybee Stinger

When other types of bees or wasps sting you, they pull out the stinger in one clean pull. However, when a honeybee stings you, the barb on the end of it catches beneath your skin, leaving the stinger and the bee's innards behind and killing the bee. Because of this, the first step in treatment involves removing the stinger. You can do this in one of two ways.

The first method is pulling the stinger out with a pair of tweezers. To make this easier, place a small, thin piece of gauze over the guts and stinger. This helps keep the tweezers from slipping off the slimy ooze on the tip. Once you have done this, firmly grasp the stinger with the tweezers, and pull it straight out. 

The second method is performed with a credit card. This can be done if you do not have a pair of tweezers handy. First, use a piece of gauze to wipe off as much of the gunk as possible without pushing the tip of the stinger. Then, place the thin, flat edge of the card next to the stinger at a 45-degree angle pointing towards the tip.

Firmly push the card's edge into the skin where the stinger meets the surface. Then, gently rake the card towards the stinger and lift up as you meet the stinger to lift it out.

Once the stinger is out, wash the area with soap and water. Pat the skin dry with a clean towel, then go on to the second step.

Step 2:  Apply A Homemade Herbal Poultice

After you have pulled out the stinger and cleaned the area, this next step involved is applying a homemade poultice containing honey, baking soda, Epsom salt and lavender oil. Ice is used on top of the poultice to constrict the blood vessels, reducing the amount of inflammation in the area.

Not only does the honey serve as the base for the poultice, but it also has antibacterial properties that could help reduce your risk of infection. The baking soda acts as a desiccant that pulls the venom out of the sting, helping to minimize the irritation it can cause. The Epsom salt serves as an anti-inflammatory, while the lavender oil soothes the pain and reduces the itchiness.

To make the poultice, place a tablespoon of honey in your microwave for 30 seconds. This thins out the honey to make it easier to stir in the other ingredients. While it is still hot, stir in a teaspoon each of baking soda and Epsom salt. Then, mix in three drops of the lavender oil.

Spread the poultice directly over the stung area. Cover it with a piece of plastic wrap, then place an ice pack over the plastic. Leave the poultice on for 10-15 minutes, then wash it off with warm water. This treatment can be repeated once again in four hours if you still have any discomfort.

The above home remedy is meant to treat a honeybee sting that causes a local reaction. However, if you start having severe, systemic symptoms like shortness of breath, throat swelling and hives all over your body, call your doctor immediately or go to the nearest hospital for emergency treatment. You may have a stinging insect allergy that could lead to shock or even death if not treated promptly. For more information on allergic reactions, consider a site like http://www.oakbrookallergists.com.


8 December 2015

Tips for Living a Great Life with Chronic Illness

I was always very healthy throughout my childhood, but when I became a teenager, I was diagnosed with a chronic illness. Thankfully, I had the support of my loving family to help keep me upbeat during a time that could have led to me experiencing the depression that some do after they first learn they will have an illness for life. I am very grateful for the advice I have gotten throughout my life, so I decided to create a blog where I can share all of the advice that has helped me live a happy, healthy life, despite having a chronic illness. Since I am on a medication that suppresses my immune system, I have also studied up on many other illnesses and tips for avoiding them and treating them. I plan to post health tips for people of a variety of ages and suffering with various illnesses!