4 Questions To Help You Choose Between Dentures, Implants And Dental Bridges

Dentist Articles

Missing teeth are embarrassing, but they also make it difficult to eat and talk. Luckily, there are many different options to replace missing teeth. If you are considering dentures, implants or a dental bridge, these five questions can help you determine the correct answer.

How Many Teeth Are Missing?

The first question to consider is how many teeth you have missing. If you only have one or two missing teeth, implants and dental bridges are better options than partial dentures. Even partial dentures require some changes to your diet and come with a learning curve as you struggle with keeping the dentures in place.

If all or almost all of your teeth are missing, dentures may seem like the only solution, and depending on your situation, they may be the best choice. However, even when you are missing a lot of teeth, implants are still an option. Instead of single implants, however, you'd get implant-supported dentures or an implant-supported bridge, which are non-removable and supported by titanium implants.

What Is Your Short-Term and Long-Term Budget?

Money plays a huge role in most cosmetic procedures, and dental procedures are no different. Start by calculating how much you can spend now. Traditional dentures tend to be the more cost-effective option because a full set of complete dentures costs between $300 and $5,000, depending on the quality. A dental bridge costs between $500 and $1,200 for each artificial tooth you need. Lastly, a single implant costs about $4,250, while a full set of implant-supported dentures costs about $34,000.

However, even if dental implants seem out of your budget, it may be a good idea to save up money or consider financing because of the long-term costs. With proper care, dental implants can last the rest of your life. Dental bridges last between 5 and 15 years, so depending on your age and how well you care for the bridge, you may need to replace it multiple times. Dentures will also probably need to be replaced at least once, especially if your jaw continues to shrink with no teeth to stimulate it.

Do You Have Gum Disease?

Gum disease causes inflammation, receding gums and weakens your jawbone. If you suffer from uncontrolled gum disease, implants and bridges may not be an option, forcing you to choose dentures or take the necessary steps to get your gum disease under control. Even then, your dentist may advise against implants or bridges.

If you have gum disease and get an implant, it increases the chances of developing peri-implant disease. This condition causes the gums around the implant to become inflamed. They recede, exposing the titanium root. On top of that, the inflammation weakens your jaw, making it less stable and increasing the chances of losing the implant. Getting a bridge while you suffer from gum disease is also a poor option because it weakens your jawbone, making it difficult for your anchor teeth to support the bridge.

How Long Are You Willing To Wait?

Having missing teeth is embarrassing and frustrating, so if you want fast results, you're better off with dentures and dental bridges. Dental bridges take a couple visits a few weeks apart to craft the bridge and place it. Conventional dentures often take longer because you need to wait for your jaw to completely heal and shrink, so the denture fits correctly, but it still takes less time than implants. Plus, if you really want something right away, you can get an immediate denture, which is placed as soon as the teeth are pulled.

If having the best results and the most durable false teeth possible is worth a long wait, then consider dental implants. The process to get dental implants involves many steps, and if your teeth have been missing for a while, you can add a bone graft to that list of steps. Between each step, you have to wait a few months for the area to heal.

There is a right solution for you, but all options come with their own pros and cons. If you are ready to get the beautiful smile you deserve, contact a dentist like Joe Rosenberg, DDS.


6 March 2015

Tips for Living a Great Life with Chronic Illness

I was always very healthy throughout my childhood, but when I became a teenager, I was diagnosed with a chronic illness. Thankfully, I had the support of my loving family to help keep me upbeat during a time that could have led to me experiencing the depression that some do after they first learn they will have an illness for life. I am very grateful for the advice I have gotten throughout my life, so I decided to create a blog where I can share all of the advice that has helped me live a happy, healthy life, despite having a chronic illness. Since I am on a medication that suppresses my immune system, I have also studied up on many other illnesses and tips for avoiding them and treating them. I plan to post health tips for people of a variety of ages and suffering with various illnesses!