4 Tips To Maintain Your Eyesight

Health & Medical Blog

Your eyesight can be something that is taken for granted until the moment that it starts to go bad. If you never want to reach this point, there are some steps you can take now and throughout the rest of your life to try and give your eyes a fighting chance. Here are 4 tips to keep in mind if you want to protect your eyesight for the long term.

25 April 2017

How Related Ailments Are Relieved When You Receive Acupuncture For Depression

Health & Medical Blog

Depression and anxiety are two top mental health disorders in the U.S. It is big business for pharmaceutical companies, as many of the drugs used to treat these disorders have unpleasant side effects which then require more drugs to treat the side effects if patients stay on the mood stabilizing drugs. If you want to get off the medication train and try something else, talk to your doctor first about lessening your doses.

19 April 2017

Why You Might Not Be Out of Options: 3 Benefits of Nanoknife Surgery

Health & Medical Blog

There are many types of cancer, such as pancreatic cancer, that are inherently difficult to treat. In some cases, hard-to-treat cancers, especially late stage cancers that affect vital organs, may have been limited to chemotherapy or radiation as a palliative measure. NanoKnife cancer surgery has several benefits for patients who were typically left with few or no options. Less Risky Procedure Some late-stage cancers are treated with ablation techniques which help shrink or kill malignant tumors by destroying them with extreme temperatures.

10 April 2017

Time For IVF? 4 Tips To Improve Your Chances Of A Successful Transfer

Health & Medical Blog

If you're dealing with the emotional roller coaster of infertility, and you've decided to go the route of IVF, now's the time to start planning for a successful egg transfer. Of course, the majority of the work will be performed by the medical staff, but there are still some things that you can do to get things ready. Here are four steps that will help you prepare for the IVF transfer.

10 April 2017

2 Excellent Reasons To Purchase A Bathtub With A Door

Health & Medical Blog

If you are elderly, then you may benefit a great deal from purchasing a bathtub with a door. This kind of bathtub is going to look and function much like a regular bathtub, except it is going to have a door that opens and closes. This door will seal as soon as it is closed and locked into place, allowing you to easily fill your tub with bathwater. Then, once you are done, you can completely drain the bathwater, open the door, and get out.

5 April 2017

3 Feminine Hygiene Tips To Minimize Problems

Health & Medical Blog

Feminine hygiene is often a sensitive topic. With numerous products on the market, it is easy to contribute to gynecological problems by being obsessive about your hygiene. Keeping your feminine care simple can reduce the instance of bacterial and/or yeast infections. Use The Right Soap Nothing beats soap and warm water to clean yourself. You may want to have a separate type of soap that is specifically used to wash your vagina.

24 March 2017

Why The Teens Most Likely To Try Heroin Aren't The Ones You Suspect

Health & Medical Blog

It's a common story that drug use in teens is most prevalent among those with troubled home lives and struggles with poverty, but at least for heroin, this story isn't actually true. Believing a myth like this one could keep you in the dark about your own teen's drug use until it's too late. Discover which types of teens actually have the highest rates of heroin use and why. Suburban Appeal

24 March 2017

About Smoking & Lung Cancer

Health & Medical Blog

You can begin to feel hoarse from numerous things, such as after yelling with a loud tone for a long time. Your voice can also become hoarse when you cough a lot, which is something that is common for smokers. If you are a smoker and have a hoarse voice, you might want to get examined by a specialist to make sure you are not experiencing one of the symptoms of lung cancer.

20 March 2017

The Role Of Nutrition When You're Going Through Radiation Therapy

Health & Medical Blog

Radiation therapy is an intensive process. While going through it, it's important you keep your health and your strength up. To that end, you'll have to take a close look at what you're putting into your body. Proper nutrition during the process is of the utmost importance. Why Nutrition Is Important Cancer can change how you eat. Radiation treatment can affect how you eat as well. Together, the two things can change how your body uses nutrients.

14 March 2017

Signs That Your Child May Benefit From Pediatric Occupational Therapy

Health & Medical Blog

Pediatric occupational therapy involves licensed therapists who work with children who have difficulty with sensory processing, motor planning, visual perceptual skills, attention, cognition, and strength. Early intervention and getting your child into occupational therapy as quickly as possible can help him or her improve his or her skills faster. If your child shows the following signs, talk to his or her pediatrician about a referral to a pediatric occupational therapy clinic:

9 March 2017