Diagnosed With Spinal Stenosis? What Are Your Options?

Health & Medical Articles

If you've recently been informed you suffer from spinal stenosis -- a painful and potentially serious compression of your spinal cord -- you may be worried and wondering about your treatment options. Fortunately, advances in technology have given you a number of relatively non-invasive choices when it comes to treating your spinal stenosis. Read on to learn more about the different ways you can manage your symptoms. What is spinal stenosis?

27 March 2015

6 Reasons To Consider Going To An Urgent Care Clinic Instead Of The Emergency Room

Health & Medical Articles

You have undoubtedly heard horror stories from friends, relatives, or acquaintances who have spent many agonizing hours waiting to be seen in local emergency rooms. Naturally, you shouldn't wait until a health emergency arises before making the decision of where to go for treatment, particularly if you've got children or elderly people in your home for whom you are responsible. Deciding on a top-quality urgent care center before accidents or illness occur is an excellent way to plan ahead for unexpected instances where you or a loved one needs medical attention fast.

16 March 2015

4 Questions To Help You Choose Between Dentures, Implants And Dental Bridges

Dentist Articles

Missing teeth are embarrassing, but they also make it difficult to eat and talk. Luckily, there are many different options to replace missing teeth. If you are considering dentures, implants or a dental bridge, these five questions can help you determine the correct answer. How Many Teeth Are Missing? The first question to consider is how many teeth you have missing. If you only have one or two missing teeth, implants and dental bridges are better options than partial dentures.

6 March 2015

Want Plastic Surgery? 4 Considerations Before Taking The Plunge

Health & Medical Articles

Whether you want to fix small problems or have a complete body makeover, plastic surgery is not a rash decision. Before and during the surgery consultation process, there are different factors you need to consider before committing to surgery. Quality Over Cost If you are considering any type of plastic surgery, you know that it is typically an out-of-pocket expense. During your consultation with a plastic surgeon, you will receive an estimate based on the type of surgery, hospital costs and any follow-up care.

27 February 2015

Tired Of Taking Anxiety Medication? A Counselor Can Help You Quit Safely & Learn To Manage Anxiety Naturally


Anti-anxiety medications, specifically benzodiazepines, are useful tools for battling anxiety, but taking them also comes with disadvantages. When taken daily, tolerance develops, and higher and higher doses are eventually needed to achieve the same anxiolytic effects. Also, there have been recent studies that have shown a link between benzodiazepine usage and the development of dementia later in life. Although additional studies are needed to show whether the benzodiazepine usage actually causes dementia or not, these studies are enough to make many people re-think their daily benzodiazepine usage.

19 February 2015

What Every Adult Should Know About Abscessed Teeth

Health & Medical Articles

An abscess is a collection of pus in the body tissues, which often leads to swelling and inflammation. Caused by bacteria, abscesses frequently develop in and around skin wounds. However, they can also occur within the gums at the base of the tooth roots. Since an abscess in the tooth cannot usually be visually detected, the issue often goes unaddressed until it causes pain severe enough to prompt the patient to see his or her dentist.

10 February 2015

Identifying And Treating Premature Menopause

Health & Medical Articles

If you're experiencing menopausal symptoms but think you're too young for this change, you could be dealing with premature menopause. The first thing to do is confirm that this is what you're experiencing. Take a look at the indicators of premature menopause. If you fit into any of the categories listed, continue reading for premature menopausal treatments. Most importantly, make sure to schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider. What are Some Indicators of Premature Menopause?

2 February 2015

Tennis Players: The Link Between Technique And Shoulder Injuries

Health & Medical Articles

Tennis is one of the most popular sports in the United States. Experts estimate that as many as 17 million Americans play the sport, but injuries are alarmingly common. The sad truth is that two-thirds of these injuries occur due to overuse, most commonly in the elbows, wrists and shoulders. If you're an avid tennis player, find out how shoulder injuries commonly occur, and why your technique plays such an important role in avoiding shoulder problems.

26 January 2015

Crisis Pregnancy Storm? Decision-Making Tips To Get You Safe To Shore


If you find yourself in a crisis pregnancy, you may feel like you're adrift on the ocean in the midst of a hurricane. You may be confused, afraid, and emotional--especially if you do not have the support of the baby's father. Perhaps you feel unable to provide for your child, or don't want to be a single parent, or have extenuating circumstances in your life that seem overwhelming. It isn't good to make significant decisions when in the midst of upsetting emotions, and deciding what to do about your pregnancy is one of the biggest decisions of your life.

21 January 2015